Picture book news!

I might still be laid low with post-covid issues, but booky things have been happening.

The Rainbow Flower has a publication date of October 22nd!

Which means that, if all goes well, this year I’ll have two books coming out within just over a month of each other. (Tilda and the Sixth Mage is due out mid-September)

I’m very excited to be publishing my first picture book for younger readers, and I collaborated with the fabulous Shayna Rene Olivier to source the illustrations for it. I first saw Shayna’s pictures in a facebook group for children’s authors and illustrators, and fell in love with her style immediately. Fortunately for me, when I contacted her about my Rainbow Flower project, she loved the subject of the book. So it was a win-win situation for us both.

At some point nearer publication, I’ll put up a post with more detail about the illustration process, which I hope Shayna will be part of. But for now…enjoy a preview of a couple of the illustrations from the book.

