Writing progress.
Today's blog is a progress report.
Tomorrow is my day for emailing the opening chapter and everything else to the Writer's Workshop so it's ready for the Writing Festival at York. I won't be able to tinker with any of it any more...it is what it is, and what will be will be. (But my fingers and toes are very firmly crossed)
There's progress to report on Granny Rainbow too - I keep checking my inbox every two minutes today, because Laura has done some initial sketches and said she'd send them through. I can't wait to see them! Maybe... just maybe... I might let you have a peek...
I am aiming to get all the stories finished by the end of September, (ties in nicely with the start of Laura's term at uni) so that I can organise a proper, printed paperback book in time for Christmas. I will ebook it too - but that may take a bit longer to format. It will be interesting to see what happens, once I have a book published - a whole book! - in my own name.
I've been scribbling ideas for the local history book too - the voice of the child who will tell the story has finally emerged. I shan't be working on it any time soon though, as I have to complete a second edit of the full version first.
One thing that's not going so well is numbers of blog hits on Squidge's Scribbles. Since I stopped posting every day, the numbers have dropped right off - I'm not sure whether it's 'cos what I've written about more recently has bored the pants off everyone (!), or whether it's something to do with the frequency of posting. Maybe it's just holiday time, and everyone's leaving the electronic world behind for a well-deserved break?
What do you reckon as a reader of this blog?
Right - must stop writing this, as I'd like to get another Granny Rainbow knocked into shape. And tomorrow looks to be a good writing day too - it's going to rain...